Re: Oracle for Linux? (was Re: kernel bloat)

Alan Cox (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 09:28:35 +0100 (BST)

> > Btw, has anyone discussed this to Oracle? Many government groups use
> > Oracle or Sybase and if a company like Oracle showed enough faith in
> > Linux, then my bosses would probably follow.
> In April a friend of mine was at some Oracle conference or so and after the
> event he talked with an Oracle man. He told my friend that Oracle 'due to
> popular demand' really consider porting their database to Linux after 2.0
> shows up, and maybe even selling it for less money (rather hard to believe)
> than for other platforms.
> Even if there are no so plans I think it's nice that Oracle official
> know about Linux and that kernel 2.0 is coming soon (again, it was April).

All the stories from a long time have been that Oracle or some people in
Oracle did a Linux port long ago (just to test portability). Some Oracle
stuff runs under iBCS2 see
