Re: Linux Links - Web Page

Andrew E. Mileski (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 16:06:51 -0400 (EDT)

A preliminary set of pages of Linux links is now up at URL
Not too hard to remember I hope.

So far it contains some pretty rare URLs that you probably
meant to remember, but forgot. The pages will quickly grow
and change (I hope). My home page links will eventually be
merged into these pages.

It is far from complete (will it ever be complete...), and
suggestions are starting to come in. Thanks a million to all
those helpful people!

Remember, if you have something you want to see added, just holler!

(Brought to you by the "Save the tiny scraps of Paper" organization)

Andrew E. Mileski      My home page
Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL

Red Hat Software sponsors these pages - I have no other affilitation with Red Hat Software, and I have never used any of their products.