TCP & Kernel 2.0.0 & Netware

Johannes Joubert (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 19:35:27 +0200 (SAT)

Hello, I need some help please.

I have a TCP/IP problem with Linux Kernel 2.0.0 and windows machine's on
Netware 3.1 .

The setup look's like this:
| | | |
Netware Linux 2.0.0 Linux 1.2.13 Win95
L |--Linux 1.2.13
A |
N |--Win95
A |
|--Win 3.1 (trumpet winsock)

The problem is that I can not transfer large files with ftp or Samba
from any windows machine on LANA to the Linux 2.0.0 machine on the
BACKBONE. Even WWW browsers cannot get large files from the httpd
server on Linux 2.0.0.

When a large file it transferred with ftp the ftp process do not die.
Here is an example of copy from a Win95 machine to Linux 2.0.0
copy spd.txt d:
after some time
This device does not exist on the network. reading drive D
Abort, Retry, Fail

The following work.
1. Large file transfer between Linux 2.0.0 and Linux 1.2.13 on LANA
2. Large file transfer between Linux 2.0.0 and Win95 machine on
3. Large file transfer between Linux 2.0.0 and Linux 1.2.13 on
4. Large file transfer on windows machines on LANA to Linux 1.2.13 on
1. Small file transfer (<1 Kb) on windows machines on LANA to Linux 2.0.0 on

The following do not work.
1. Large file transfer on windows machines on LANA to Linux 2.0.0 on
2. Changing the ethernet card on Linux 2.0.0

After I changed the kernel on the Linux 2.0.0 machine back to 1.2.13
everything worked fine again.

The novell netware setup looks like this:
load tcpip FORWARD=YES
load c:smcpwr slot=16 TP frame=ETHERNET_802.3 name=HKIPX
load c:smcpwr slot=16 TP frame=ETHERNET_II name=HKIP
bind ipx to HKIPX net=3FA001
bind IP to HKIP addr= mask=FF.FF.FF.0