Re: shift-scrolllock doesn't work in 2.0.0

Emil Stepniewski (
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 17:07:39 +0000 (GMT)

On 24 Jun 1996 wrote:

> Neither shift nor cntrl SCROLL-LOCK works anymore, in 2.0.0. Nor could
> I find any mention on any special setup required for this feature.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ray
The same with Alt+SrollLock. But it is not true they don't work at all.
They pass info to logging program (syslogd?), so the info appears
in syslog file. Unfortunately nothing appears on the console, so I couldn't
get any info when I got kernel panic lately (and disk was unreachable).
I think it should be easy to make patch for this.
Can you, kernel hackers, send me one?

Best regards,
Emil Stepniewski