Re: DMA past and present

Hannu Savolainen (
Mon, 17 Jun 1996 06:34:00 +0300 (EET DST)

On Sat, 15 Jun 1996, Bernhard Kaindl wrote:

> As far as I know, linux-doom's soundserver uses 16bit DMA normally, and
> I've also have such problems when trying to do 16bit WAV-playback with
> my AHA-1542. I think there are some difficulties with two 16bit DMA
> transfers at the same time, but I don't know the exact source of it.
This depends on systems. Some older motherboards die if there are two 16
bit DAM transfers running (new MBs down't have any problems with three 16
bit transfers at the same time). Some soundcards (particularily PAS16)
are incompatible with AHA1542 (have not heard about major problems with
other than PAS16). Finally some (VLB) motherboards are not able to do DMA
reliably at all (I had this kind of MB couple of years ago).

Hannu Savolainen (, (my home page) (UNIX Sound System (USS)) (USS Lite/TASD/VoxWare)