Re: The symbols from kernel 1.99.14 don't match 1.99.14

James MacLean (
Sun, 9 Jun 1996 10:44:30 -0300

On Jun 9, 12:45pm, Bjorn Ekwall wrote:

> > At my site
> > it was due to compiling the kernel with all the CONFIG_MOD... on etc...
> > but NOT having the first option for allowing experimental options
> Strange... Why do _I_ never have any of those problems... :-)
> Perhaps my setup behaves because of its close proximity to Finland...
> OTOH there might be problems with some modules if the _modules_ are
> guarded by CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL. Was that it?

hi Bjorn,

The module in question was the nkfs.o from Caldera's environment. Once
I set CONFIG_EXPERMINTAL on and recompiled, everyone was happy ;-)

> Bjorn <> <>
>-- End of excerpt from Bjorn Ekwall


James B. MacLean
Department of Education
Nova Scotia, Canada
B3M 4B2