Re: NFS timeouts? NFS is not supposed to time out.

Alan Shutko (
Sat, 08 Jun 1996 12:02:23 -0500

>>>>> "SK" == Simon Karpen <> writes:

SK> I have wuarchive NFS-mounted via a 14.4 modem and a PPP
SK> connection. It often takes several attempts to access a file
SK> because of NFS timeouts. It is mounted with the options:
SK> ro,bg,intr,soft,noexec,nosuid,noauto,user

The soft option specifies the ability to time out. That's why
wuarchive suggests that you use such an option.

Alan Shutko <> - The Few, the Proud, the Remaining.
A PC is for manipulation of data, not the manipulation of thought.