Because then we would have to create some new mail lists that were not full
of junk cros posts and flame wars. Linux-kernel has got to the point where
the serious work is being done in secret little mailing lists, let alone the
state of usenet.
Indeed. If you think the flame wars on linux-kernel are bad, you should
take a look at comp.os.linux.development.system. I just caught up on
three months of c.o.l.d.s on my way back from Berlin, and most of it was
complete drivel, even more worthless that the Linux-kernel list has
The problem is short of forming secret mailing lists, there's no way to
keep the idiots from posting. This is unfortunate, given Linux's
previous open heritage, but we have to get the work done somehow.
(I apologize for my contributing to the CONFIG_RANDOM flamage. I am
trying very hard not to reply to most of the messages on the thread.
This is very difficult, especially for the ones with grossly inaccurate
- Ted