Re: CONFIG_RANDOM option for 1.99.2 [OFFTOPIC]

Andrew Walker (
Tue, 21 May 1996 11:32:15 +0200 (MET DST)

Ingo Molnar wrote:
> On Fri, 17 May 1996, Andrew E. Mileski wrote:
> > > ps. money cant buy you faster electromagnetic waves :))
> >
> > Gravity waves propagate faster (all points in space at once,
> > if I recall the physics correctly <shrug>).
> General Relativity Theory builds gravity from a mathematical model that
> has light-speed as the limit for information-flow. Though it's hardish to
> prove it (unless you can build galaxy-sized accelerators), it's quite
> logical and there is no reason (and no experiment) which indicates that it
> would be wrong.
> translated into plain English: light-speed is a hard limit :(

Scientists can experiment all they want, but I refuse to believe that
light-speed is a hard limit. Its just an arbitrary number!

ulimit speed `expr $light * 4`

There, that put the cat amongst the pigeons.


Andy Walker                              Kvaerner Engineering a.s.        P.O. Box 222, N-1324 Lysaker, Norway

......if the answer isn't violence, neither is your silence......