Re: Linux logo

Herbert Wengatz (
Tue, 21 May 1996 10:36:14 +0200

+> Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 12:46:47 +0200
+> From: Herbert Wengatz <>
+> +> C O O L <- big font white on purple
+> +> it works with <- small italics purple on white
+> +> L I N U X <- big font white on purple
+> Yeah, well, that is a bit overdone...


+> +> They provide a license to use the logo for a $1.00 per year fee. They
+> +> say they require a license fee to "secure a valid legal agreement".
+> +>
+> Interesting. Who said, they may claim anything about a "legal agreement" ?
+> I think there's some kind of law that legal contracts aren't valid
+> unless both parties receive something of value. In this case,
+> presumably they've trademarked that logo, and in order to maintain a
+> trademark they have to control its use. The $1 payment ensures that
+> the license is considered valid

Humm. You got me wrong. I meant: "Who gave them the right to create such a logo?"
In my opinoin, they may create a Logo: "Linux Jounal approved: It runs with Linux 1.2.13"
for example. This would be OK. Who is the ultimate Authouritative Institution
which can decide "It runs with Linux" except for all Linux-Users ? :)

+> (Note that I'm not a lawyer. They don't seem to like it when those of
+> us who aren't don't make that clear :-) Then again, those of us who
+> aren't really don't want to be confused for one :-)) )
+> --
+> Robert Krawitz <>
+> Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail
+> Tall Clubs International -- or 1-800-521-2512


Herbert Wengatz,82049 Pullach |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
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