Re: Linux logo

Herbert Wengatz (
Mon, 20 May 1996 10:54:22 +0200

+> +>
+> > +> Do you really think Windows is so important that the Windows flag should
+> > +> be shown in the Linux logo?
+> > +>
+> No, agreed.
+> > +> A logo must be simple.
+> > +>
+> > +> A logo must be positive.
+> > +>
+> >
+> Agreed++.
+> Seems to me, a survey would be a good thing to do - I mean, find out what
+> symbol most people think of when they think "Freely available, no-cost, high
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
Isn't this the same ?

+> power operating system for the masses".
You forgot to mention:

Fun to work with, reliable and fast. :-)

+> j.
+> Jay Vaughan

Herbert Wengatz,82049 Pullach |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
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