pre2.0.4 networking freezes

Adam J. Richter (
16 May 1996 22:13:48 GMT

I don't know if this information is useful or if it is already
known, but I'd like to report that the networking freezes in the
1.3.9x - pre2.0.4 kernels may be sensitive on one's hardware

More specifically, I have two pentium machines both running
exactly the same pre2.0.4 kernel, and one will lock up about once or
twice a day, always when I'm doing a large data transfer over the
network, and the other one never locks up. The one that never locks
up is our news and FTP server, so it experiences plenty of network

Here are the hardware configurations of the two machines.
I hope the information is useful.

The machine that locks up (my workstation):

ASUS motherboard with 256k synchronous cache
64MB 60ns DRAM
1 IDE CDROM drive
1 scsi disk
NE2000 clone ethernet card
Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller

The machine that locks up (my workstation):

Pentium-133 [same]
ASUS motherboard with 256k synchronous cache [same]
64MB 60ns DRAM [same]
1 IDE CDROM drive
4 scsi disks, 1 scsi tape
SMC Ultra ethernet card
NCR 53c810 SCSI controller

Adam J. Richter				  Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
(408) 261-6630				  "Free Software For The Rest of Us."