Re: Workbone/workman stack corruption

Peter K (
Sat, 27 Apr 1996 21:42:22 +0200 (SAT)

> Using 1.3.95, yesterday I got a
> 'Workbone: Aiee kernel stack corruption' error, this is n't the first
> time this error has popped up, although it is very rare and doesn't seem
> to cause any harm, I think 'workman' also erred like this once, maybe the
> audio cdrom code is to blame, although since this happened a while ago
> i'm a bit vague about it.

Actually, I get it with workman, xcd and xcdplayer as well, and, no, it
doesn't seem to be harmfull.

Peter Kooiman | Fax : ++27-12-663-4191/2
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