Important Bug fix (spelling error) in timex.h

Ulrich Windl (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:01:34 +0200

The patch below will mention the correct RFC. The current RFC is
something about character sets which is definitely wrong.

I guess this patch can be applied to the last 50 versions without
major problems...

*** timex.h 1996/04/24 20:11:50 1.2
--- timex.h 1996/04/25 19:03:43
*** 37,43 ****
* 07 Oct 93 Torsten Duwe
* Derived linux/timex.h
* 1995-08-13 Torsten Duwe
! * kernel PLL updated to 1994-12-13 specs (rfc-1489)
#ifndef _LINUX_TIMEX_H
#define _LINUX_TIMEX_H
--- 37,43 ----
* 07 Oct 93 Torsten Duwe
* Derived linux/timex.h
* 1995-08-13 Torsten Duwe
! * kernel PLL updated to 1994-12-13 specs (rfc-1589)
#ifndef _LINUX_TIMEX_H
#define _LINUX_TIMEX_H