Re: keyboard repeat rate

lilo (
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 12:38:31 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Ulrich Windl wrote:

> My intent was for some Linux beginners, that t y p e very s l o w l y .

That might be a distribution-packaging issue. Linux beginners are apt to
get a distribution (along with some of us who aren't Linux beginners who run
one anyway). Perhaps being able to set keyboard repeat during installation
would be a useful option....

> For them the fast repeating could cause some trouble. One bad thing is
> that LILO does not flush the keyboard input buffer, so if you pressed
> return twice and you would have to insert a root floppy, you'll have to
> boot again (I'm talking about installation boot disks). Also, In Emacs
> pressing key combinations like ^X repeat quite easily. On the other hand I
> would agree that the keyboard's power-on defaults are way too slow.

Worse than that, they seem to vary from machine to machine depending on
initialization by the BIOS. And more recent BIOS configs often have an
option for this, but it's nothing certain....
