Re: X-Windows

Alexis Rosoff (
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 20:49:01 -0400

Chris Salinardi said:

<snip snip>

|> Yeah, for a while I thought it was Netscape, but it happened in XView
|> too. It might just be a small kernel bug. I have a Microsoft mouse, so I
|> know it isn't a mouse problem. I'm thinking of testing some of the older
|> kernels to see if it goes away.

Up until 1.3.8x I never had a problem in XFree86. Now I'm getting lockups and crashes, esp in 16bpp -- it'll suddenly crash with a signal 11. Even in 8bit mode I've had it suddenly freeze completely, just as an earlier poster described. It could just be 16bpp -- I have a Cirrus GD5428 card and it's not known to be the best card under XFree. But I have had it crash without netscape running at all, I'll just be in an xterm, with possibly exmh running somewhere else on the desktop.

I never had a problem with 1.2.13 or the earlier 1.3.x kernels in this particular respect. BTW I use a PS/2 mouse ....


---------Alexis Rosoff-------Long Island,
GH/CS/L d? s+:+ a18 C++++ UL/S+++      `Violence is the last refuge of
P++ L+++ E(--) W++(--) N++ o K- w---    the incompetent.' Salvor Hardin
O- M+ V-- PS++ PE- Y++ PGP- t+ 5 X+     in  Isaac Asimov's _Foundation_
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