Re: BSD CCP Compression module?

Bryan Phillippe (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:45:15 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Derrik Pates wrote:

> This module is a good thing, but WHY must it be compiled and loaded
> outside of the kernel? This is a pain, as it then has to have a line in
> one of the rc.* scripts to load it up. Also, our main Internet server
> admin guy (who, BTW, is pretty experienced in Linux) just learned about
> this. If someone could explain this to me a little, maybe I'll see.
> Linus? Any ideas? Anyone else want to chime in? I'd be happy to have this
> one explained. Also, FWIW, maybe there should be a text file in the
> Documentation subdirectory of the source tree to explain this somewhat.

Hmm... It was my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that CCP
compression is not included in the kernel because of slightly technical
and massively legal reasons. There is some sort of copyright?

And there is a document (correct me if I'm wrong) in the ppp (external
driver) source tree giving a good, long explanation of this.


B. James Phillippe <>
Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)