Re: Amazing what a little RTFM can do :>

BearHeart / Bill Weinman (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 11:06:55 -0500

At 09:31 pm 4/18/96 +0100, Bryn Paul Arnold Jones spake:
>the drive as the master. Also, FYI rember that the master has to be the
>first drive on the ribbon (closest to the "controler"), so if/when you
>add annother disk, or if you move the CD, make sure that the master is the
>first the computer sees when it looks down the wire.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all morning!

How on earth can the computer even TELL which AT drive is
"first" on the ribbon. We're talking MILLIMETERS here.

Let's see, at 300,000 km/sec . . . electricity will travel 30 mm
in 10^-11 seconds. Umm... which controller will respond first?

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| Author of The CGI Book --