kernel boot failure

Yetunde F. Kosoko (
Mon, 08 Apr 1996 17:02:39 -0700

Help! I have messed up something in my system and now I cannot boot into Redhat at
all. I know what I did but I don't quit understand why that would make the kernel
freeze on boot. I was configuring PPP from the Network option in the control panel
and I accidently gave the wrong path for my script ( I get the file not found
error when booting). Right after I get the "//.pppscript not found" error I get
another error saying "hostname lookup failure" and then the kernel freezes. I can
get into the system using my old boot and ramdisks but what do I fix when I get
there? None of the commands (ie more, vi, less) work when I try to see what's in
a file so how do I make any changes once I find the error? I'm using kernel
version 1.3.84 and RedHat 3.0.3.
