Re: Eject button, etc

Christian Holtje (
Thu, 4 Apr 1996 12:37:52 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Gonzalo Tornaria wrote:

> > No, no, no!!! What has the keybaord driver to do with CD-ROMs?
> > Nothing! If you want to do that, then start a program on a virtual
> > console, waiting for a key. Then your program can do ejects, mounts,
> > whatever you like.
> What about having special keymaps to send messages to kerneld?
> Something general.. Then, you can configure your keymap to use (or
> not) this feature, and you can configure kerneld to do <whatever> at
> those messages. For example, you could have a shortcut for ejecting
> cdrom, but you can use it for anything you want... The keyboard
> driver has to know nothing about cdrom, it only sends a message to
> kerneld <keyboard_request>, only kerneld knows if the request is
> for eject cd, play cd, or anything. shouldn't be kerneld. You should add a seperate daemon, like a
console daemon that sits between the kernel and the console. In fact...
a console daemon sounds like a really good idea, since you could then do
other neat things, like support the console in graphic modes, etc, etc.
It would also be a (small) step towards breaking up the linux monolithic
kernel into some smaller more managable chunks....

Christian G. Holtje (aka Doctor What)

    ---     ---     ---   -      -  -  -   ---  -----
   +   -  +    -  +      +      +  -  +  -   +   -    CS major at Illinois
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