RMS, I call my Linux System Linux.
On my System there a great many GNU Tools, a lot of BSD Programs,
even more MIT stuff, and a lot of Patches from the Linux Users to all of
them. Thats the way every Linux System looks like. Giving Credits where
possible is a good thing, but calling my System 'GNU/MIT/BSD/hacker/vendor-x
Linux' is not practicable. Most of the PPL who use Linux know that their OS
is based on GNU Tools. Linux is the choice of the GNU generation, dont be
picky at the name.
I use Linux for the Kernel and the whole System. If I want to make clear
what I'm speaking about I use 'Linux Kernel' and 'Linux System'. This is
If I'm speaking about a special Distribution I still use the name 'Linux
System', as long as I dont need to name the distribution 'Bug X in
Distribution Y'.
BTW: RMS, I am missing your support for the Debian Project. Is Debian
GNU/Linux the FSF Operating System with a Linux Kernel, or will you develop
a completely new System after you have your own Kernel? A lot of Linux PPL
put their manpower into that Project to build a usable Linux Distribution
which will be the FSF's official OS (based on MIT,BSD,Linux,GNU Tools).
-- (OO) -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wittumstrasse13.76646Bruchsal.de -- ( .. ) ecki@lina.{inka.de,ka.sub.org} http://home.pages.de/~eckes/ o--o *plush* 2048/93600EFD eckes@irc +4972573817 *plush* (O____O) If privacy is outlawed only Outlaws have privacy