Re: Linux isn't an operating system

Dave Barr (
7 Mar 1996 18:05:38 -0500

In article <>,
<> wrote:
>Richard Stallman writes:
> > I call these collections "Linux-based GNU systems" to help promote
> > unity and cooperation in the whole community.
>If it doesn't do that, will you stop?

Remember, RMS is speaking with an agenda here -- that is to spread
the Gospel of GNU. In large part I agree with the gospel itself,
however in this case I think it's silly to say ``Linux-based GNU
systems''. As others have said Linux itself _is_ an operating system,
as anyone with a CS degree will tell you. Is GNU underreported as
contributing to the success of Linux? Perhaps, but I don't think
so. The GPL is plastered across every Linux distribution I see.

Linux is a community effort. The GNU community is a part of that
effort (indirectly, if not directly). Do we need to say more?
