> This patch is intended to make Linux easier for the blind to use. It was
> based was produced and tested on 1.3.67, but should work on all 1.3.x
> kernels. The following changes have been made:
Hello Kenneth,
I'm a blind person starting to use linux. I don't use Braillex, I use
Braillotem made by KTS. Some times, the line in my Braillotem appears
with characters not legible. I need to change to another console and go
back to to the original. When I do this, the UN legible characters vanish.
I think that this patch will solve this problem.
I'd like also saw this patch included in future releases of linux.
--- +---------------------------------+ | Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza | | EMAIL: jvilmar@embratel.net.br | | RIO de JANEIRO RJ - BRASIL | | +---------------------------------+