Re: About the same Reveal CD-ROM

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Wed, 6 Mar 1996 16:42:26 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 5 Mar 1996, Alex Gitelman wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for answers. Question in fact was stupid - CD-ROM is Reveal CDG-545
> (or something like this) and has IDE interface. So now it works. But!
> when I transfer data to hard drive it appears to be corrupted - I can't
> unzip it. At least can't unzip all files. The was with dos driver, but
> because I was working with Linux CD I thought it's because of fiolesystem
> on CD. Can it be a hardware problem. Has anybody experienced it? It's kernel
> 3.66. By the way my own system with Panasonic CD works pretty good.
The only thing that useing Linux to read the CD can change is Linux
pickes up on the rockridge (sp?) extentions that allow device files,
permitions, and long file names, they don't change the contence of the
files. If you can't unzip a zip file useing the dos drivers, the drive
is broken, return it (well test the file/CD useind annother CD-ROM drive
first, but...).

> Alex Gitelman
> (510)-848-9014

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