Re: init und Linux 1.3.69

Etudiant ARENZANA (
Wed, 6 Mar 1996 11:34:22 +0000

In his message on Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Martin Junius wrote:

> [ problems with ctrl-alt-del not working ...]
> The problem is that it works fine, while logged in as root or some other
> user, but *not* when only the getty prompt is displayed. With 1.3.64
> everything was OK.

It seems that your problem is due to a feature of 'shutdown' :
If you have a file named /etc/shutdown.allow, shutdown will check to see if any
user listed in this file, or root, is logged in. If not, it will write the
message 'shutdown : no authorized users logged in' to /dev/console (you may not
see it, I experienced problems with the 'physical' console not being written to
any tty), and won't do anything else.

I hope this will help you.


| Didier Arenzana			E-mail :
| Computer Science Student 
| EISTI, France