Re: make oldconfig

Dick Streefland (
Tue, 5 Mar 1996 09:57:50 +0100 (MET)

| "make oldconfig" seems to fail to work.
| I was upgrading from 1.3.68 to 1.3.70. I did "make mrproper", patched
| the sources, did "make oldconfig". No questions were asked, the
| process completed, but finally the configuration had almost nothing
| to do with the previous one.
| I also noted "NEW" suffixes since 1.3.68 when doing the usual "make
| config". I don't know why that suffix appeared.
| I thought "make oldconfig" should ask for all previously unasked
| questions.

This works only when you copy the ".config" from your previous source
tree to the new one. In a clean source tree, there is no ".config".
Therefore, the defaults file "arch/<arch>/defconfig" will be used, which
contains defaults for all config options. Only when there is no default
setting for a config option, the "(NEW)" suffix is displayed.

Dick Streefland              ////         Tasking Software BV            (@ @)             The Netherlands