Re: Security Hole?

Michael Weller (
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 13:53:43 +0100 (MEZ)

On Sun, 3 Mar 1996, Andrew Mileski wrote:

> Wanted to get some EXPERT opinion on this...
> I've noticed that the linux kernel allows anyone to freely
> request/release IRQ, DMA, and I/O. Is this a security
> hole, or am I missing something that only allows root to
> do these things?


What do you mean? all these register_irq and such functions are kernel
internal functions that can only be used by device drivers and such.
And these are indeed required to know what they do.

There is actually a syscall (well, 2 actually) for user programs
to get access to i/o ports. (if they try otherwise they'll get killed
with a segfault). And yes, the userprogram must run as root to use these

I must admit that I don't get the point of your mail.

( or
Please do not use my vm or de0hrz1a accounts anymore. In case of real
problems reaching me try instead.)