Re: SoundBlaster16 and "Pops"

David Meyer (
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 03:51:10 GMT

In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.960223181956.425A-100000@voxware>,
Hannu Savolainen <> wrote:
>Popping is very noticeable with sound driver versions currently included
>in the kernel distribution. Popping is much less noticeable with version
>3.5-beta4 and later. Version beta7 will be included in next kernel release.

On what may be a related problem, I've noticed since upgrading to
1.3.xx that if I boot Linux then reboot into DOS my SB16 acts flaky -
often it won't play sounds (DOOM is a particular culprit); I have to
do a hard reboot in order to get the card back to normal.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this?


David M. Meyer