Re: ipfw
Marck Gorszwick (
Sun, 3 Mar 96 18:46:44 -0800
>> For a while now people have written exactly about this. The solution is
>> to get ipfwadm-2.0beta2.tgz from There is also a patch
>> against kernel 1.3.66 that you must apply due to a bug in the kernel
>> code. The patch can also be found there.
>> /Gustav
>I can't seem to locate is there a mirror with
>ipfwadm-2.0beta2? I can't seem to find one.
>Is there another solution?
I had the same problem. Try using lynx to go to, and download
it ffrom there. It was really wierd, I tried dig, nslookup, etc, and
nothing for, but that is the URL that is listed on the web
page, and lynx somehow worked it...