RE: Ensoniq PnP

Andrew E. Mileski (
Sun, 3 Mar 1996 00:33:14 -0500

>About five or six months ago, I was asking around about problems I'd been
>having with my sound card; I have a PnP Ensoniq Soundscape which wasn't getting
>ecognized by the driver... anyway, I got a message from Hannu saying something
>along the lines that the problem was that the card was Plug 'n Play, that Linux
>didn't have very good support for PnP yet, and that the situation would
>probably be rectified by "this winter." (That's why I'm posting this here;
> gather it's a kernel issue, not a sound-driver issue. Perhaps I'm mistaken.)

I think it is a kernel issue - if you want a quick fix then you have to look at it
as a driver problem.

See for kernel support development.

-- Andrew E. Mileski --