On Wed, 28 Feb 1996, Kipp the Kidd wrote:
> I'm new here, and am not sure exactly where I should post to about this :)
> If someone could direct me to a more appropraite place, i'd be grateful.
> Several times I have made the major mistake of installing LILO twice. (IDE
> disks, tried it on 2 different machines) The first install works great, but
> the second time, when the computer boots, it displays 'LI' and freezes.
> Formatting the HD doesn't fix it, redoing the partition table doesn't... in
> fact, the only thing that does is setting the HD's first (few?) sectors to
> 00 and redoing everything... (luckily, i had nothing of value on the disks
> besides linux!)
> Also, I am having a problem compiling the ProSonic sound blaster in my
> kernel... I can't cut & paste it 'cause gpm has gone wacky too :) ..if
> anyone wants to log in and mess around with some stuff, I'll tell you the
> (dynamic) address and pwd if you give me some chat place I can connect to
> and tell you.
> - Kipp
> GCS/CC d- s+:- a16 C++ UL++++ P+ L++ E-? W+ !N--@ !o-- K->K++++++
> w++(--) O- M-- V--? PS++(+) PE(--) Y+ PGP-? t+ 5(+) X++ R+++(*)
> !tv b+ DI++++ D++++ G e* h!()(*) r+ !y+
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> MOO projects:
> RPG Minimal.db: paradigm.microwave.com 5000
> MOO2000: moo.microwave.com 2000
> MundoHispano: europa.syr.edu 8888
> ------END NOT SO GEEKY BLOCK------