> Hello,
> I have several remarks about the sound driver.
> First of all I'm getting the following warnings each time I make it.
> Here are the warnings when I've make it as module in the linux-1.3.69:
> make[2]: Entering directory `/home1/ftp/pub/linux/kernel/v1.3/linux-1.3.69/drive
> rs/sound'
> .depend:26: warning: overriding commands for target `dev_table.h'
> .depend:26: warning: ignoring old commands for target `dev_table.h'
These have been fixed in the latest version (3.5-beta9) of the sound
driver. The reason was just that .depend was included twice in the Makefile.
> Also my sound card is a SB 16 ASP. I prefer to have the micro gain at 0
> by default and to use the LINE input as my record device.
Unfortunately I cannot make these changes. Mic gain was earlier 0 but it
caused lot of confusion since all recordings were completely silent with
the default settings. Now recordings are just too silent for which the
natural action is increasing volume. I have not got any messages
complaining that recording doesn't work after this change. So it's
certain that I will not return the default volume back to zero.
Changing default volumes can be easily done by putting mixer commands to
/etc/rc.d/rc.local or by writing a "soundon" script which loads the sound
module and sets mixer levels after that.
Best regards,
Hannu Savolainen <hannu@voxware.pp.fi>
http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/voxware/hannu.html (my home page)
http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/voxware (TASD's/VoxWare's home page)