> Starting with kernel 1.3.62(I think), and continuing through 68 I have
> recieved a GPF on each bootup right as I mount the root filesystem. A
> transcript is enclosed below. Otherwise, the system seems to function
> fine. No instability, etc. The bootup is more or less stock RedHat 2.1.
> I'm running a Pentium-133 on a Tyan Titan III(Triton-based) Motherbaord
> with Conner CFA1275A hard drive. 16 Megs of ram, etc...Occurs with or
> without setting "ide0=autotune hda=autotune" via lilo. Any help would be
> appreciated :)
might try disabling your external cache memory.. I found this while
having random and some not so random sig faults.. I'll be returning this
motherboard next week.
Colten Edwards