Re: Tagged files in /proc (Was: Re: (Fwd) Re: /proc/apm and power

Bernd Eckenfels (
23 Feb 1996 15:56:18 GMT

Markus Gutschke ( wrote:
> Assume this case: The kernel wants to output a line with the contents
> "Hello world". In order to make reading the file easier, when being
> cat'ed, the kernel decides to do some line-wrapping after 72
> characters. If we decide to stick with my solution, then the kernel
> can split the line at any arbitrary character position and all three
> space characters would be preserved. If OTOH, we decided to trim
> lead-in space characters, the kernel would have to pay extra attention
> as to never split the line before a space character.

Why would the KErnel split lines? This is much to much work, cause he would
have to split that line EVERYTIME following lines will be read!


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