Port Redirector3 (fwd)

Ben Abarbanel (ben@baces.com)
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 09:59:31 +0000

Anybody have any info on this feature?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 07:52:17 +0000
From: Ben Abarbanel <ben@baces.com>
To: sammy@freenet.akron.oh.us
Cc: masq@indyramp.com
Subject: Port Redirectory

I have compiled and installed your Port Redirector software on my machine.
I was able to get FTP connection to redirect to another host machine on my
LAN. However, when I exited the FTP program the Redirector program exited
as well. Any way It can hang around and field other attempts? Also, I noticed
that it can only handle one connection at time. Any way to get it to handle
a number of connections at once?

Thanks for creating this baby,


P.S. I am running version v.05 "redir-0.5.tar.gz", do you have any
updates to this?