Re: PnP-BIOS jamms X11 ??? HELP!

Joel Young (
Sat, 17 Feb 1996 17:03:09 -0500 (EST)


I tried my trident 8900 ISA card in my machine and also
got the same symptoms!

Same as with the Diamond S3968 PCI card


On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, Herbert Wengatz wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm using Linux several years now. (2-3) I just bought me a new
> mainboard and with this new mainboard, my X11 won't start up any
> more!
> I have 3 PCI Cards, 1 ELSA Winner 1000 Trio64, 1 AHA2940W, 1 NCR825S.
> They all worked together nicely in my *old* 100 MHz AMD 486 board
> from Gigabyte. So I was VERY astonished, that after swapping the
> boards, X11 won't run any longer. (Though everything else seems
> to run fine. - Even M$-DO$ and WinDow$. :((( )
> This *old* Board has a green-AWARD-BIOS, but without PnP.
> First I tried the Gigabyte GA-5486AL Board. But I thought, it was the
> ALi-Chipset, which was causing the troubles. So I went back to my
> dealer and got a SOYO-Mainboard. - The same problem !!! :-((((
> Now I thought, that it may be the new CPU (AMD 5x86-P75-S, 133 MHz),
> so I plugged in my old CPU. -> The result hit me like a Hammer:
> I still didn't work. - It wasn't the Chipset (Tha SOYO-Board has a SiS),
> It wasn't the CPU, it even couldn't relly be the board, so what
> had they in common ????
> The only thing both new boards have in common is:
> The new AWARD PnP-BIOS ! :-(((((
> So please, tell me anybody, if there's a mailing list, which has this problem
> as theme, or someone who tries to help those poor fellows with PnP-BIOSes...
> I feel like being severely PnP impaired ! :-(
> Any help appreciated !!!
> Yours,
> Herby
> BTW: I use Linux 1.2.8 with AHA2940-Patches and currently 1.3.59 both with
> the smae problem. So it's not a fault of Linux ! :-))))))))
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Herbert Wengatz,82049 Pullach |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
> Office |not that of my company. ***
> | oo-)
> (new & improved !!!!!!) m_/
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