/proc/*/fd/* defunct in 1.3.32?

Snow Cat (snowcat@gd.cs.CSUFresno.EDU)
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 22:21:13 -0700 (PDT)


I am just wondering if anybody is looking into this problem. I saw a posting
about it a while ago and it seams that /proc/*/fd is still defunct in

ariel:/tmp> cat /proc/self/fd/0
cat: /proc/self/fd/0: No such file or directory

     Snow ^oo^ Cat <snowcat@gd.cs.CSUFresno.EDU>
      _  ->  <-    aka Oleg Kibirev <oleg@gd.cs.CSUFresno.EDU>
  ___(_)  _ _)_
 /            _)
       |___/	Purr!