I won't speak for the people working on VFAT kernel support (there are two
separate groups); but last I checked (a couple of months ago) they had
read-only support working fairly well and were just starting on read-write
support (which, at least for me, was several times as much work as
The Mtools that does VFAT is a totally separate effort and needs no kernel
mods over 1.2.x or 1.3.x (though there is a minor change pending to better
support the OS/2 and 2m XDF formats). As for its status, it is in late
ALPHA and should go to BETA after it gets a bit more testing and Alain
Knaff and I find some time to finish it off. Many bugs have been fixed
(mostly by Alain) since the 2.5.0 ALPHA version.
---David C. Niemi---niemidc@clark.net----703-904-3596---Reston, VA USA---
There is no match for the fervor of a new initiate, the confidence of the
unquestioning, or the appeal of oversimplified answers to complex issues.