> In message <Pine.LNX.3.91.951001130647.3015A-100000@dirku.demon.co.uk>, you wri
> te:
> You can use a swap file. The capability has been around for a long
> time. If you don't want to use a swap partition, then use a swap file. If
> you don't want to do either, write something yourself that you think is
> better.
> Like so many other things in Linux, you have the ability to choose
> which solution is best for you.
How about getting a smaller disk to use as a swap _DRIVE_
In some OS's, the directions for setting up a swap area say to
use the most used area of the least used disk for your swap space.
Therefore, a seperate drive (cheapo 50-60 megger) would serve as
an optimal swap drive, for an investment of say $45
for $100, you get a 150 meg drive and use it for /tmp and swap,
but that is not as optimal, espically when /tmp gets used a lot.
(Compiling the kernel comes to mind, as does netscape etc.)
Dan Merillat <harik@eola.accessorl.net>
(Harik A'ttar) <drm89121@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu>
Animaniac! Linux Activist and net.junkie