I built the 1.3.17 kernel this evening, and I got what looks like a
reproducible kernel panic while trying to connect with my ISP
using PPP and CSLIP.
Problems I've seen with the last 2 kernel versions:
1.3.16 -- a long delay (10-20 secs) between entering password
and getting a bash prompt (first time logging in)
-- many X apps produce segmentation fault.
(Netscape, Mosaic, xarchie, xgalaga, lots of the
slackware XAP applets)
1.3.17 -- corrects delay problem, and the X applications will
run, but SLIP/PPP doesn't seem to work at all.
I was able to connect with my ISP using dip and chat/pppd 2.12d, but
once the IP addresses were sorted out and it returned me to the prompt,
I tried to ftp to ftp.funet.fi, and bang! Instant kernel panics in both
cases (first with PPP, then CSLIP) First I've seen in 10 continuous
months of running Linux.
I've configured a very minimal kernel. I have no networking cards.
SLIP/CSLIP and PPP with 16 channels. Tried it both with "Alpha test
drivers" and without.
Not complaining...just reporting :-)
Mark Orr