Benchmarks - 1.3.16

Carlo E. Prelz (
Wed, 9 Aug 1995 09:12:54 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi. Here are the benchmarks for the latest Linux patch. I have noted a
sensible delay while booting: starting the INN daemon and running the
first 2-3 logins. After the first moments, all runs OK.

Also, it seems that some of the messages that are written to syslog get

File write/copy is at the same level as 1.3.15 (that is, sensibly
worse than 1.2).


* Linux 1.3.15 #28 Wed Aug 2 19:27:20 MET DST 1995 i486
* Wed Aug 2 21:50:58 MET DST 1995

* Linux 1.3.16 #29 Tue Aug 8 20:01:44 MET DST 1995 i486
* Tue Aug 8 22:08:08 MET DST 1995


C Compiler Test || 46.0 -> 46.4 +0.87%
Execl Throughput Test || 63.3 -> 63.8 +0.79%
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi || 722.6 -> 725.4 +0.39%
System Call Overhead Test || 30710.0 -> 30799.4 +0.29%
Dhrystone 2 without register variables || 49494.5 -> 49621.9 +0.26%
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places || 5568.9 -> 5583.2 +0.26%
Arithmetic Test (type = short) || 7500.6 -> 7503.3 +0.04%
File Write (10 seconds) || 1400.0 -> 1400.0 +0.00%
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) || 45.0 -> 45.0 +0.00%
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) || 23.0 -> 23.0 +0.00%
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) || 11.0 -> 11.0 +0.00%
Arithmetic Test (type = float) || 5062.1 -> 5062.0 -0.00%
Arithmetic Test (type = double) || 5062.3 -> 5062.0 -0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = register) || 8363.3 -> 8362.8 -0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = int) || 8362.7 -> 8362.0 -0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = long) || 8362.7 -> 8361.4 -0.02%
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) || 127068.4 -> 127041.9 -0.02%
Dhrystone 2 using register variables || 49856.7 -> 49802.5 -0.11%
File Write (30 seconds) || 1200.0 -> 1193.0 -0.58%
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) || 85.4 -> 84.4 -1.17%
File Copy (30 seconds) || 1020.0 -> 1000.0 -1.96%
File Read (10 seconds) || 4656.0 -> 4557.0 -2.13%
File Read (30 seconds) || 4690.0 -> 4551.0 -2.96%
Process Creation Test || 124.7 -> 120.0 -3.77%
File Copy (10 seconds) || 1073.0 -> 1003.0 -6.52%
Pipe Throughput Test || 18423.3 -> 16795.1 -8.84%
Pipe-based Context Switching Test || 9759.2 -> 8834.7 -9.47%


* Linux 1.2.10 #59 Tue Jun 13 09:46:17 MET DST 1995 i486
* Tue Jun 27 10:18:13 MET DST 1995

* Linux 1.3.16 #29 Tue Aug 8 20:01:44 MET DST 1995 i486
* Tue Aug 8 22:08:08 MET DST 1995

File Copy (10 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Copy (30 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Read (10 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Read (30 seconds) - Found only in [To]

Pipe-based Context Switching Test || 3446.9 -> 8834.7 +156.31%
Execl Throughput Test || 51.6 -> 63.8 +23.64%
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) || 10.0 -> 11.0 +10.00%
C Compiler Test || 42.2 -> 46.4 +9.95%
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) || 41.0 -> 45.0 +9.76%
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) || 21.0 -> 23.0 +9.52%
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) || 78.3 -> 84.4 +7.79%
Dhrystone 2 without register variables || 46284.2 -> 49621.9 +7.21%
System Call Overhead Test || 29238.2 -> 30799.4 +5.34%
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi || 709.2 -> 725.4 +2.28%
Arithmetic Test (type = float) || 5055.6 -> 5062.0 +0.13%
Arithmetic Test (type = register) || 8353.2 -> 8362.8 +0.11%
Arithmetic Test (type = int) || 8353.4 -> 8362.0 +0.10%
Arithmetic Test (type = double) || 5056.8 -> 5062.0 +0.10%
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) || 126914.4 -> 127041.9 +0.10%
Arithmetic Test (type = short) || 7496.0 -> 7503.3 +0.10%
Arithmetic Test (type = long) || 8353.5 -> 8361.4 +0.09%
Process Creation Test || 119.9 -> 120.0 +0.08%
Dhrystone 2 using register variables || 49802.4 -> 49802.5 +0.00%
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places || 5906.2 -> 5583.2 -5.47%
Pipe Throughput Test || 18512.0 -> 16795.1 -9.27%
File Write (10 seconds) || 8100.0 -> 1400.0 -82.72%
File Write (30 seconds) || 8911.0 -> 1193.0 -86.61%



Sorry - No cute signature (not on my usual machine...)
Carlo E. Prelz -