Re: malloc and libc.4.6.27+
Ricky Beam (
Thu, 29 Jun 1995 19:06:09 -0400 (EDT)
Letting the chips far where they may, I quote Michael K. Johnson:
>Ricky Beam writes:
>>Has anyone noticed any problems in malloc from libc4.6.27 and above. After
>>updating and installing from Slackware 2.3.0 -- which installes libc4.6.27,
>>I have run up against a brick wall in XmCreateFileSelectionDialog as the
>>stack grows to 24 entries and XtString/malloc is getting called every dozen
>>or so instructions. After several iterations, the stack suddenly loses
>>the lower 12 entries generating a SEGV as functions begin to return.
>>This problem goes away when libc4.5.26 is used.
>This, believe it or not, is a bug in the Motif library. I know
>from personal experience that at least SWiM 1.2.4 and Moo-Tiff
>2.0 have it, and I know by report that SWiM 2.0 has it. Contact
>support and tell them about your problem, and they will be able
>to provide you with a fixed version of the library.
What kind of bug? It just so happens I have the source code here --
we compiled it ourselves which may be part of the problem. I'm having them
recompiled on one of the new setups with
>I *think* that the problem is only in the static version of the
>library. Assuming I am correct, you should be able to test the
>validity of my suggestion by linking with the shared version of
>the Motif library.
Well, we never actually made a shared library <sigh> I'll check it with
Motif 1.2.0, tho'.
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