Re: [RFC+Patch] Formal models as source of truth for Software Architects.

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Mon May 06 2024 - 05:09:55 EST

Am 11/6/2023 um 7:12 AM schrieb Mathew, Cherry G.*:
Hi Jonas,

Jonas Oberhauser <jonas.oberhauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:


> I meant that we implemented an internal tool to transpile from C
> to PlusCal.

I'm curious about the design/architecture here - how did you manage the
logical mappings from C->PlusCal - did you have a third language to
specify the mappings, or did you use heuristics with inherent
assumptions ?

We stayed within a subset of C where we were quite certain about what the semantics is on our architecture. You can add assertions for UB conditions.

> It sounded like a great idea at the time. But then it quickly fell
> out of use.

This is something I'm keen to understand why - was this because
programmers focussed on the C code, and the transpiler+constraints
became a "testing problem" which ended up in bitrot ? Or is there
something related to the software methodology/development process ? Or
perhaps the percieved ROI of formal verification wasn't as much as
initially thought ? Something else ?

Mostly because TLA became too slow. We are using much faster stateless modelcheckers
with optimal DPOR or fast SMT backends now ( ) which work on llvm-ir level, so the need to transpile into yet another language disappeared.


> For reuse, I think the main issue is that implementation code is
> always a source of truth - the truth of what's really going to be
> executed. If we want to have a second source of truth, it should
> be a different truth, such as "assumptions of the other parts of
> the system".

> Since you already have this source of truth, if you make a
> different implementation in another kernel, you can compare what
> the original driver was doing with what your new implementation is
> doing. There's no need to have yet another copy of what the
> driver might be doing.

I understand what you're saying, but there are a few points that I'm
probably not able to express clearly.

Just to set context, and not to state the obvious - as you likely
already know, Formal languages such as pluscal or promela have an
"execution model" that is different from a programming language - in
that, when one writes code in them, one's mental model needs to pay
attention to behaviour, whereas function becomes a more abstract
problem[...]. I wrote a very hand wavy description of
this in the context of spin:

I don't understand this paragraph.

So to return to your concern about code duplication, in the context of
codegen, one could make the same argument about compiled or transpiled
code - if it were manually transpiled. And yet we are comfortable as
programmers, assuming that the "higher level language" is the source of
truth, while happily stepping "down" to gcc __inline__ __asm__ {} when
needed. So, for eg: (and I believe there are tools out there that can
do this to some degree) - if the programming code could be
auto-generated/"compiled" from the formal specification, then this would
become directly analogous.

In system software, there are a lot of implementation concerns that go beyond what you'd normally express in a formal spec. Once you add all of that detail, it becomes an implementation.


>> Can you give me an example of how this works/a pre-existing tool
>> that helps with this simplification ? I'm actually currently
>> looking at re-writing modex to do precisely this (but with the
>> translation end-point being something close to the original
>> model).

> I think any higher level language, including C, goes into this
> direction. Some are just a lot better at building abstractions and
> describing the code more model-like than
> tiniest-implementation-detail-like.

C is problematic because it doesn't for eg: define concurrency or
consistency models - in many cases, even the data types are not clearly
defined (eg: "integer" is machine word size dependant). So it's really
hard to specify something formal at the level of C that is not very
context (OS/CPU arch) specific.

In practice this is a non-issue.
Either prove that it works for the least common denominator. E.g. if you prove that your int values stay within 16 bit, or you know your architectures all have 32 bit int, there's no issue. Or you use a u32 or uint32_t.

If you're paranoid about future use, you can write some assertions checking that the assumptions you make here are really valid in your real environment.

And C has concurrency models, both in C11+ and in LKMM.

> By executable comment I mean a comment that has a formal semantics
> that can be executed.

> Think more pre&post conditions + ghost code. E.g., for a tricky
> sort algorithm like timsort the comment might be something like

> var __ghost_array = copy(input_array);

> .... // complicated timsort code here

> insertion_sort(&__ghost_array); // timsort should give the same
> output as insertion stort, note that both are stable

> for (i in 0...array_len) {     assert (sorted_array[i] ==
> __ghost_array[i]); }

> This is probably not going to help you find the well-known timsort
> bug, but it might be enough to find more trivial mistakes when
> rolling your own timsort. Anyways this is what I mean by
> executable comment - a more readable, maintainable implementation
> of the code that tells you what the code ought to be doing + some
> checks to say that they're really doing the same thing.

This looks closer to testing to me - the assertions for eg: seems to be
atemporal ie; only concerned about "immedate" values, unlike LTL which
can check behaviour across an "execution sequence" (in the set of all
possible execution sequences). So from an FV perspective, I would write
the assertion to look more like: "eventually is_sorted(array)", where
is_sorted() has magic to check to if the array elements are sorted in
whatever required order.

In principle you can extend the assertion language to temporal formulas as well. There are some cases where we write assertions over a whole trace. But it's easier to find engineers who write some non-temporal assertions than those who write temporal assertions.

Best wishes,
