Fair Pay Regions (The Main Political Cause Of Open Source)

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Sun May 05 2024 - 15:42:26 EST

Yes, I updated my little chart on https://bit-x.org/BIT/BIT.html

Stressing Fair Pay Regions.

Many people claim the political systems of today are failed. Islamic States, Republics, Democracies, Theocracies. Nothing seems to work.

Typically the Republicans of America attack the Democrats reducing them to feeble thumbsuckers. This solves nothing.

Indeed Fair Pay Regions through a computer system is the best thing to do.

For instance, for Norway, Sweden and Demark: Samilands. (Sometimes called Scandinavia but this is a mixup with Scotland and should not be used.)

The Light Be With You,