Re: [PATCH net] ax25: Fix refcount leak issues of ax25_dev

From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman
Date: Wed May 01 2024 - 21:29:50 EST

On Wed, May 01, 2024 at 02:02:18PM +0800, Duoming Zhou wrote:
> There are two scenarios that might cause refcount leak
> issues of ax25_dev.

This patch doesn't address the refcount leaks I reported earlier and
resolved in the patch I posted [1] last week.

Assume we have the following two interfaces configured on a system:

$ cat /etc/ax25/axports
udp0 test0-0 9600 255 2 axudp0
udp1 test0-1 9600 255 2 axudp1

And we have ax25d listening on both interfaces:

default * * * * * * - root /usr/sbin/axwrapper axwrapper -- /bin/sh sh /etc/ax25/
default * * * * * * - root /usr/sbin/axwrapper axwrapper -- /bin/sh sh /etc/ax25/

Using the 'ax-devs' and 'ax-sockets' gdb commands shown at the end of
this message, we start with:

(gdb) ax-devs
ax1 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
ax0 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
(gdb) ax-sockets
0xffff8881002b6800 if:ax1 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff888100ded200
0xffff888101ac4e00 if:ax0 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff888100dec4c0

We initiate a connection from ax0 to ax1:

call -r udp0 test0-1

When we first enter ax25_rcv, we have:

(gdb) ax-devs
ax1 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
ax0 ax_refcnt:3 dev_refcnt:10 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
(gdb) ax-sockets
0xffff888101ac8000 if:ax0 state:1 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff888100dedb80
0xffff8881002b6800 if:ax1 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff888100ded200
0xffff888101ac4e00 if:ax0 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff888100dec4c0

After we reach line 413 (in net/ax25/ax25_in.c) and add a new control


We have:

(gdb) ax-devs
ax1 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
ax0 ax_refcnt:3 dev_refcnt:10 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
(gdb) ax-sockets
0xffff88810245ac00 if:ax1 state:3 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0x0 <fixed_percpu_data>
0xffff88810245ba00 if:ax0 state:1 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff88810136c800
0xffff888100c79e00 if:ax1 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff88810136c6e0
0xffff8881018e9800 if:ax0 state:0 refcnt:2 dev_tracker:0xffff88810170c860

Note that (a) ax25->dev_tracker is NULL, and (b) we have incremeted the
refcount on ax0 (the source interface), but not on ax1 (the destination
interface). When we call ax25_release for this control block, we get to:

netdev_put(ax25_dev->dev, &ax25->dev_tracker);


(gdb) ax-devs
ax1 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1
ax0 ax_refcnt:3 dev_refcnt:10 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1

After the calls to netdev_put() and ax25_dev_put(), we have:

(gdb) ax-devs
ax1 ax_refcnt:1 dev_refcnt:8 dev_untracked:-1073741824 dev_notrack:1
ax0 ax_refcnt:2 dev_refcnt:9 dev_untracked:1 dev_notrack:1

You can see that (a) ax25_dev->dev->refcnt_tracker->untracked is now
invalid, and ax25_dev->dev->dev_refcnt is in trouble: it decrements by
one for each closed connection, even though it was never incremented
when we accepted the connection. The underflow in
..refcnt_tracker->untracked yields the traceback with:

refcount_t: decrement hit 0; leaking memory.

Additional connections will eventually trigger more problems; we will
ultimately underflow ax25_dev->dev->dev_refcnt, but we may also run into
memory corruption because of the invalid tracker data, resulting in:

BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00000010000003b0

The patch I submitted last week resolves all of the above issues and has
no refcount leaks for this particular code path. In order to avoid the
refcount leaks, those _put() calls in ax25_release need to be balanced
by _hold() calls when accepting a new connection (or we need to wrap
them in a conditional so that they're not called when ax25->dev_tracker
is NULL).

GDB commands:

define ax-devs
set $x = ax25_dev_list
while ($x != 0)
printf "%s ax_refcnt:%d dev_refcnt:%d dev_untracked:%d dev_notrack:%d\n", $x->dev->name, \
$x->refcount->refs->counter, \
$x->dev->dev_refcnt->refs->counter, \
$x->dev->refcnt_tracker->untracked->refs->counter, \
set $x = $x->next

define ax-sockets
set $x = ax25_list->first
while ($x != 0)
set $cb = (ax25_cb *)($x)

printf "%s if:%s state:%d refcnt:%d dev_tracker:%s\n", \
$_as_string($cb), \
$cb->ax25_dev->dev->name, \
$cb->state, \
$cb->refcount->refs->counter, \
set $x = $x->next


Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@xxxxxxxxxx> | larsks @ {irc,twitter,github} | N1LKS