Re: [PATCH v1 28/31] x86/resctrl: Drop __init/__exit on assorted symbols

From: Amit Singh Tomar
Date: Wed May 01 2024 - 12:23:42 EST

I think James will need to comment on this, but I think that yes, it
is probably appropriate to require a reboot. I think an MPAM error
interrupt should only happen if the software did something wrong, so
it's a bit like hitting a BUG(): we don't promise that everything works
100% properly until the system is restarted. Misbehaviour should be
contained to MPAM though.

if "resctrl" is nonfunctional in this state, then this comment[1] here does
*not* make sense.

"restore any modified controls to their reset values."

Can you clarify what you mean here?

What I meant was, What's the rationale behind restoring the modified controls, if user is going to restart the system anyways (in order to use MPAM again), but later realized that it is needed so that *non* MPAM loads (user may still want to run other things even after MPAM error interrupt) would not have any adverse effect with modified controls.

Therefore, taking my statement back.

I think it makes sense to clean up the MPAM hardware as well as we can
in these situations, even if we can't be certain what went wrong.

[final comments below]



root@localhost:~# mount
tmpfs on /run/user/0 type tmpfs
resctrl on /sys/fs/resctrl type resctrl (rw,relatime)

root@localhost:~# devmem msc_addr 32 0x9999
[ 687.096276] mpam: error irq from msc:1 'PARTID_SEL_Range', partid:39321,
pmg: 0, ris: 0

root@localhost:~# mount
tmpfs on /run/user/0 type tmpfs
resctrl on /sys/fs/resctrl type resctrl (rw,relatime)

root@localhost:~# umount resctrl
umount: /sys/fs/resctrl: no mount point specified.

root@localhost:~# mount
tmpfs on /run/user/0 type tmpfs

root@localhost:~# mount -t resctrl resctrl /test
mount: /test: unknown filesystem type 'resctrl'.

Thanks for trying this out.

I guess the behaviour here might want a bit more thought.

I'm not too keen on us leaving a defective mount in the namespace,
with a nonexistent mount pount. I'm wondering whether things like
systemd may get confused by this...
