Re: [PATCH net-next v5 04/10] ethtool: Add flashing transceiver modules' firmware notifications ability

From: Ido Schimmel
Date: Wed May 01 2024 - 03:54:40 EST

On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 01:03:02PM -0700, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:11:18 +0000 Danielle Ratson wrote:
> > > Do we want to blast it to all listeners or treat it as an async reply?
> > > We can save the seq and portid of the original requester and use reply, I
> > > think.
> >
> > I am sorry, I am not sure I understood what you meant here... it
> > should be an async reply, but not sure I understood your suggestion.
> >
> > Can you explain please?
> Make sure you have read the netlink intro, it should help fill in some
> gaps I won't explicitly cover:
> "True" notifications will have pid = 0 and seq = 0, while replies to
> commands have those fields populated based on the request.
> pid identifies the socket where the message should be delivered.
> ethnl_multicast() assumes that it's zero (since it's designed to work
> for notifications) and sends the message to all sockets subscribed to
> a multicast / notification group (ETHNL_MCGRP_MONITOR).
> So that's the background. What you're doing isn't incorrect but I think
> it'd be better if we didn't use the multicast group here, and sent the
> messages as a reply - just to the socket which requested the flashing.
> Still asynchronously, we just need to save the right pid and seq to use.
> Two reasons for this:
> 1) convenience, the user space socket won't have to subscribe to
> the multicast group
> 2) the multicast group is really intended for notifying about
> _configuration changes_ done to the system. If there is a daemon
> listening on that group, there's a very high chance it won't care
> about progress of the flashing. Maybe we can send a single
> notification that flashing has been completed but not "progress
> updates"
> I think it should work.

We can try to use unicast, but the current design is influenced by
devlink firmware flash (see __devlink_flash_update_notify()) and ethtool
cable testing (see ethnl_cable_test_started() and
ethnl_cable_test_finished()), both of which use multicast notifications
although the latter does not update about progress.

Do you want us to try the unicast approach or be consistent with the
above examples?