Re: 答复: [PATCH] fs/resctrl: fix domid loss precision issue
From: Maciej Wieczor-Retman
Date: Mon Mar 11 2024 - 07:50:28 EST
Thanks for the reply,
On 2024-03-11 at 09:37:37 +0000, Rex Nie wrote:
> Please kindly check my inline reply. Thanks.
>Best regards
>Rex Nie
>> >This will cause below issue if cache_id > 0x3fff likes:
>> Is there some reason for cache_id ever being this high?
>> I thought the max for cache_id was the amount of L3 caches on a system. And I
>> only observed it going up to 3 on some server platforms. So not nearly in the
>> range of 0x3fff or 16k.
>It is exactly as you said on X86 platforms, but cache_Id on Arm platform is different.
>According to ACPI for mpam, cache id is used as locator for cache MSC. Reference to RD_PPTT_CACHE_ID definition from edk2-platforms:
>#define RD_PPTT_CACHE_ID(PackageId, ClusterId, CoreId, CacheType) \
> ( \
> (((PackageId) & 0xF) << 20) | (((ClusterId) & 0xFF) << 12) | \
> (((CoreId) & 0xFF) << 4) | ((CacheType) & 0xF) \
> )
>So it may be > 0x3fff on Arm platform.
>Reference RD_PPTT_CACHE_ID from edk2-platforms:
and thanks for clearing it up for me! I browsed some MPAM patches but didn't
notice cache_id was used differently on ARM.
>> >/sys/fs/resctrl/mon_groups/p1/mon_data/mon_L3_1048564 # cat
>> >llc_occupancy
>> How did you get this file to appear? Could you maybe show how your
>> mon_data directory looks like?
>I found this issue on Arm FVP N1 platform and my N2 platform.
>Below is the steps on Arm FVP N1:
>mount -t resctrl resctrl / /sys/fs/resctrl
>cd /sys/fs/resctrl/mon_data
>/sys/fs/resctrl/mon_data # ls -l
>total 0
>dr-xr-xr-x 2 0 0 0 Mar 11 09:24 mon_L3_1048564
>cd /sys/fs/resctrl/mon_data # cd mon_L3_1048564
>/sys/fs/resctrl/mon_data/mon_L3_1048564 # cat llc_occupancy
>cat: read error: No such file or directory
Kind regards
Maciej Wieczór-Retman