Re: [BUILD] Unable to sign drivers on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS desktop

From: Mirsad Goran Todorovac
Date: Fri May 05 2023 - 16:07:57 EST

On 05. 05. 2023. 15:46, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 07:02:57PM +0200, Mirsad Goran Todorovac wrote:
Hi Bagas,

I seem to have run into a dead end with this.

OpenSSL 3.0.2 refuses to cooperate, despite enabling legacy ciphers:

  BTF [M] net/nsh/nsh.ko
  BTF [M] net/hsr/hsr.ko
make -f ./Makefile ARCH=x86     KERNELRELEASE=6.3.0+ intdeb-pkg
sh ./scripts/package/builddeb
  INSTALL debian/linux-image/lib/modules/6.3.0+/kernel/arch/x86/events/intel/intel-cstate.ko
  SIGN debian/linux-image/lib/modules/6.3.0+/kernel/arch/x86/events/intel/intel-cstate.ko
At main.c:170:
- SSL error:1E08010C:DECODER routines::unsupported:
I didn't find any errors using self-compiled OpenSSL 3.1.0. I installed the
library to `/tmp/openssl` and specify
`KCFLAGS=-L/tmp/openssl/lib -I/tmp/openssl/include` when building bindeb-pkgs.
Am I missing something?

Dear Mr. Bagas,

I have mistakenly deleted the




so I got these strange errors, which made me believe that OpenSSL 3.0.1 disabled some encryptions and hashes.

I suspected it was the problem with the FIPS mode not installed in the stock Ubuntu 22.04 LTS library, but I have to admit before so many people that it was this stupid mistake which I found out by looking up Debian config.

IOW, false alarm.

Ubuntu config with FIPS mode OpenSSL 3.1.0 works, however, I have rebuilt with the default OpenSSL 3.0.1 and the error was bisected to the missing .PEM.

Best regards,