Re: [PATCH v3] tools/memory-model: Make ppo a subrelation of po

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Mon Feb 27 2023 - 15:13:48 EST

On 2/27/2023 8:40 PM, Andrea Parri wrote:
The LKMM doesn't believe that a control or data dependency orders a
plain write after a marked read. Hence in this test it thinks that P1's
store to u0 can happen before the load of x1. I don't remember why we
did it this way -- probably we just wanted to minimize the restrictions
on when plain accesses can execute. (I do remember the reason for
making address dependencies induce order; it was so RCU would work.)

The patch below will change what the LKMM believes. It eliminates the
positive outcome of the litmus test and the data race. Should it be
adopted into the memory model?
(Unpopular opinion I know,) it should drop dependencies ordering, not
add/promote it.


Maybe not as unpopular as you think... :)
But either way IMHO it should be consistent; either take all the dependencies that are true and add them, or drop them all.
In the latter case, RCU should change to an acquire barrier. (also, one would have to deal with OOTA in some yet different way).

Generally my position is that unless there's a real-world benchmark with proven performance benefits of relying on dependency ordering, one should use an acquire barrier. I haven't yet met such a case, but maybe one of you has...

Best wishes,